Again, the initial request will take longer that subsequent ones. 再一次,初始请求会比后来的请求花费更长的时间。
We will go through the code that runs with an initial request. 我们将分步说明与初始请求一起使用的代码。
For example, if the client has a published an asynchronous response listener service supporting one-way operations, a reference to the service's WSDL can be provided on the initial request. 例如,如果客户机发布了一个支持单向操作的异步响应侦听器服务,那么在初始请求上就可以提供对服务的WSDL的引用。
When a user requests a protected resource but has not yet authenticated ( or their authentication session has expired), the initial request does not reach the back-end servers. 当还没有经过身份验证(或者身份验证会话已经过期)的用户请求受保护的资源时,最初的请求不会到达后端服务器。
Responses and subsequent requests follow the same path of that initial request. 响应和后续请求将遵循与初始请求相同的路径。
The tree grid will make the initial request using the query provided to the model, and the store will combine that with the target. 树型网格将使用提供给模型的查询发出初始请求,Store将它和目标结合起来。
The client's secured initial request containing the SAML security token is sent to the service. 客户端包含SAML安全令牌的受保护初始请求被发送给服务。
This ESQL handles the initial request. 此ESQL处理初始请求。
In some situations, responses to web service requests are not provided immediately, but rather sometime after the initial request transactions complete. 在某些情况下,对Web服务请求的响应并不是立即提供的,而是在初始请求事务完成后的某个时候提供。
If disabled, the same connection type used on the initial request will be used. 如果禁用此属性,将使用初始请求上使用的同一连接类型。
This class is a simple SIP Servlet which would perform the basic proxy function and be included in the call path after the initial INVITE request. 此类是一个简单的SIPServlet,将执行基本的代理功能,并在初始INVITE请求后包含在调用路径中。
When using encryption, the client needs to have the server certificate available when sending the initial request ( because the server public key from the certificate is used for the encryption). 在使用加密时,客户机在发送初始请求时需要用到服务器证书(因为要使用证书中的服务器公开密匙进行加密)。
This identifier is the only means for the client to correlate its initial request with the response. 这一标志只是客户端用来将最初自己的请求与响应进行关联。
Once the OrderToShipment module is added and all the initial request parameters have been entered, click the Continue button. 添加OrderToShipment模块并输入所有初始请求参数之后,单击Continue按钮。
This is the initial request/ response portion of the Basic callback scenario described in the WS-I Usage Scenarios document. 这是WS-I使用情形文档中描述的基本回调情形的初始请求/响应部分。
Access to the WSDL of the notification listener service can be provided when the provider's web service is deployed or at runtime by passing a reference to the WSDL on the initial request. 通过在初始请求上传递WSDL的引用可以在提供者的Web服务被部署时或运行时提供对通知侦听器服务的WSDL的访问权。
The initial request is modeled as a request/ reply operation, with two messages ( a transmission with a reply) sent as a single transport-level exchange. 初始请求被建模为请求/答复操作,有两条消息(一个传送和一个答复)被作为单个传输层交换发送。
Add an Item business object to the list of items for the order by right-clicking the items row in the Initial request parameters section, and selecting Add Element. 通过右键单击Initialrequestparameters部分的产品行并选择AddElement,您可以向订单的产品列表添加一个Item业务对象。
Applying the default WS-Security policy to a deployed web service configures the web service engine such that the initial request is received by the WS-Security module. 将缺省WS-Security策略应用到部署的Web服务来配置Web服务引擎,以便WS-Security模块接收初始请求。
The initial client request to be secured as configured in the client's SAML policy set and bindings. 初始客户端请求将根据客户端的SAML策略集和绑定中的配置实施安全保护。
First, identify the server that will process the initial transaction request. 首先,要识别将要处理初始事务请求的服务。
For example, the initial SYN request can be a gold mine ( as can the reply to it). RST packets also have some interesting features that can be used for identification. 例如,初始化的SYN请求是一个金矿(以为这个SYN请求是要回复的),RST信息包也具有一些比较有趣的特征用来鉴别系统)。
Because the application is compiled on the first request, the initial request to an application can take significantly longer than subsequent requests. 由于应用程序在第一次请求时进行编译,所以对应用程序的初始请求所花的时间会明显长于后续请求。
Set it to true ( as shown in the above code) to supply specific authentication credentials to cause a WWW-Authenticate HTTP header to be passed with the initial request. 如果将其设置为true(如上述代码所示),则可以提供特定的身份验证凭据,以便通过初始请求传递WWW-AuthenticateHTTP标头。
The announcement followed an earlier report by the Financial Times that China had rejected the fleet's initial request for a port call. 在宣布这一改变之前,英国《金融时报》曾报道称,中国拒绝了该舰队最初的入港请求。
Property to indicate that authentication information should be sent with the initial request rather than waiting for an authentication challenge. 属性以指示身份验证信息应随初始请求一起发送,而不是等待身份验证质询。
An initial request is issued to a provider containing information that identifies the receiver. 初始的请求是发送到提供者的,包括用于指定接收者的信息。
This stops the Web server denying access on the initial request, and performing authentication on the subsequent request. 这将停止Web服务器拒绝对原始请求的访问,并对随后的请求执行身份验证。
Using the heredity optimization algorithm, the optimal solution for overall situation was obtained, which had completely satisfied each kind of the initial request, and had a very good motion-combining precision. 用遗传优化算法,得到了全局最优解,完全满足了起初设想的各种要求,并且具有很好的联动传动精度。
After verification of the real experiment scene, under the control of the visual guidance method proposed, AGV shows a stable and efficient implementation of the mandate of the prior arrangement, to project the initial request. 经过真实实验场景的验证,在本文提出的视觉导引方法控制下,AGV机车能够稳定的,高效的执行事先布置的任务,达到项目最初提出的要求。